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Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Procedures on nerves in the mouth/jaw/face area

Limited function of nerves in the mouth/jaw/face area can occur as a long-term consequence of severe injuries as a result of accidents or previous surgeries. Torn or injured nerve tissue (nerve lesion) can be treated with microsurgical techniques. The separated nerve ends are exposed and sutured back together. The repaired nerve does not resume its function right away; this happens after a period of regeneration, which depends on the extent of the damage.

Scar tissue that has developed after a previous surgery can also cause such nerve malfunctions. These can be fixed under the microscope. If there is a reduced bone supply in the posterior region of the lower jaw, a relocation of the nerve that runs along the bone may be necessary. In special cases, this method also allows us to place implants without damaging the nerve.