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NUM Research COVID-19

Completed funding phase

University Hospital Regensburg was involved in the following NUM cross-location projects in the first funding phase (April 2020 - December 2021, funding code 01KX2021):

  • Local project lead: PD Dr Frank Hanses

    The project planned to expand the AKTIN Emergency Admission Registry, which resulted from an earlier project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), to include a further 29 emergency departments, both university and non-university, to create a nationwide infrastructure for real-time care research in emergency departments.

    Analyses of routine data from the current pandemic will help to provide insights into the use of central emergency departments. In addition, up-to-date data from the emergency departments are continuously made available for automated epidemiological evaluation and COVID-19-specific research questions are addressed in the process.

    Further information:


  • Local project lead: Professor Matthias Evert

    Establishment of a nationwide autopsy network for a pandemic in order to collect data, biomaterials and findings quickly, systematically and in a standardised manner, as completely, comprehensively and promptly as possible, to bring them together and to make them available to network partners for evaluation.

    The unique network linking most of the pathological, neuropathological and forensic medical institutes of university hospitals in Germany as well as non-university partners will contribute to a better understanding in COVID-19 research and patient care by establishing a permanent structure.

    Further information:


  • Local project lead: Professor Dirk Hellwig

    Establishment of a nationwide, standardised, data protection-compliant infrastructure to store and make COVID-19 research datasets available. The measures proposed include a comprehensive database, data collection tools, use and access procedures and a trustee agency.

    The infrastructure will be able to map complex COVID-19 research datasets, including clinical data, imaging data and biospecimen data, in a multicentre, patient-specific and pseudonymised manner and make them available to the research community.

    Further information:


  • Local project lead: Professor Okka Hamer 

    The project was the first of its size to set up a nationwide infrastructure for the structured collection of radiological data from COVID-19 cases. Firstly, RACOON utilised the structured and analysed data of suspected COVID-19 pneumonia cases. Secondly, and building on this, developments and insights can now be provided on the basis of highly structured data, for example to support developments in AI.

    On the one hand, RACOON modules provide a valuable basis for decision-making in epidemiological studies, situation assessments and early warning mechanisms. On the other hand, it allows for the automation of diagnostic and image-processing steps.

    Further information:


  • Local project lead: PD Dr. Frank Hanses

    Establishment of a network to collect high quality clinical phenotyping data, including biospecimen and imaging data. The project was closely linked to the establishment of the research data platform, one of the purposes of which is to bring together the data generated from NAPKON.

    The use of suitable cohorts can, for example, allow the long-term consequences of COVID-19 to be systematically analysed involving all health sectors. This ensures the time- and cost-efficient use of resources with high-quality data and biomaterials and with centrally coordinated access options.

    Further information: