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Clinical Data Integration Centre at UKR (MEDIZUKR)

Research projects

    • Regensburg University Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine (applicant: M. Spurny): Glucose metabolism in the brain and other normal tissue, measured with FDG-PET/CT depending on the metabolic status of the thyroid.
    • Medenwald D, Brunner T, Christiansen H, Kisser U, Mansoorian S, Vordermark D, Prokosch HU, Seuchter SA, Kapsner LA. Shift of radiotherapy use during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic? An analysis of German inpatient data. Strahlenther Onkol (2022),
      DOI/Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00066-021-01883-1
    • Schüttler J, Mang JM, Kapsner LA, Seuchter SA, Binder H, Zöller D et al (2021): Letalität von Patienten mit COVID-19: Untersuchungen zu Ursachen und Dynamik an deutschen Universitätsklinika. Anästh. Intensivmed 2021; 62:244–257. DOI: 10.19224/ai2021.244
      DOI/Link: https://doi.org/10.19224/ai2021.244
    • Kapsner LA, Kampf MO, Seuchter SA, Gruendner J, Gulden C, Mate S, Mang JM, Schüttler C, Deppenwiese N, Krause L, Zöller D, Balig J, Fuchs T, Fischer P, Haverkamp C, Holderried M, Mayer G, Stenzhorn H, Stolnicu A, Storck M, Storf H, Zohner J, Kohlbacher O, Strzelczyk A, Schüttler J, Acker T, Boeker M, Kaisers UX, Kestler HA and Prokosch H-U (2021): "Reduced Rate of Inpatient Hospital Admissions in 18 German University Hospitals During the COVID-19 Lockdown." Front. Public Health 8:594117. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.594117,
      DOI/Link: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.594117