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Donating blood to be used in research

Who has access to my data?

The coded biomaterials and clinical data will be used within one or more of the research projects listed here. Any remaining biomaterials will be stored under standardised conditions of safety and quality for a period not exceeding 30 years and will be secured against unauthorised access using state-of-the-art methods.

Our researchers often conduct project work in collaboration with teams at other locations. In some circumstances, your coded biomaterials and clinical data may, therefore, be shared with other facilities within the EU, such as universities, research institutes and research companies, for specific medical research purposes, and according to previously defined rules and regulations. In some situations, these data may also be linked to clinical data in other databases, always assuming the necessary legal requirements have been fulfilled. All biomaterials and data shared with researchers may only be used for the previously agreed research purpose (conducting research on blood cells in order to better understand their development and function in the healthy organism or in the case of disease) and may not be shared by the recipient for other purposes. Any unused materials will either be returned to Regensburg University Hospital or destroyed.

Assuming the above conditions are met, your samples and data may also be shared with recipients in countries outside the EU in cases where the European Commission has determined that this country has established appropriate legal safeguards for data. In other cases, Regensburg University Hospital will seek to obtain appropriate guarantees by contract, such as by using the standard contractual clauses (SCCs) that regulate data transfers between EU and non-EU countries.

Your express consent will be sought before sharing your samples and data with research partners in third countries that potentially have a lower level of data protection than the safeguards applicable in the EU.