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Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Schreml


  • Schreml S*, Meier RJ*, Wolfbeis OS, Landthaler M, Szeimies RM, Babilas P
    2D luminescence imaging of pH in vivo.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011;108:2432-7. *gleichberechtigter Erstautor.
    JIF = 9,681 (2011) / 12,779 (2021)
  • Meier RJ*, Schreml S*, Wang XD, Landthaler M, Babilas P, Wolfbeis OS
    Simultaneous photographing of oxygen and pH in vivo using sensor films.
    Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2011;50:10893-6. *gleichberechtigter Erstautor.
    JIF = 13,455 (2011) / 16,823 (2021)
  • Schreml S, Meier RJ, Kirschbaum M, Kong SC, Gehmert S, Felthaus O, Küchler S, Sharpe JR, Wöltje K, Weiß KT, Alber M, Seidl U, Schröder J, Morsczeck C, Prantl L, Duschl C, Pedersen SF, Gosau M, Berneburg M, Wolfbeis OS, Landthaler M, Babilas P
    Luminescent dual sensors reveal extracellular pH-gradients and hypoxia on chronic wounds that disrupt epidermal barrier repair.
    Theranostics 2014;4:721-35.
    JIF = 8,022 (2014) / 11,600 (2021)
  • Vavrova K, Henkes D, Sochorova M, Skolova B, Struever K, Witting M, Friess W, Schreml S, Meier RJ, Schäfer-Korting M, Fluhr J, Kuechler S
    Filaggrin-deficiency leads to impaired lipid profile and altered acidification pathways in a 3D skin construct.
    J Invest Dermatol 2014;134:746-53.
    JIF = 7,216 (2014) / 7,590 (2021)
  • Brand A, Singer K, Koehl GE, Kolitzus M, Schoenhammer G, Renner K, Klobuch S, Peter K, Kastenberger M, Bogdan C, Schleicher U, Mackensen A, Ullrich E, Fichtner-Feigl S, Kesselring R,  Mack M, Ritter U, Schmid M, Blank C, Oefner PJ, Hoffmann P, Herr W, Walenta S, Poyssegur J, Villunger A, Steven A, Seliger B, Schreml S, Haferkamp S, Kohl E, Karrer S, Berneburg M, Mueller-Klieser W, Renner K, Kreutz M
    LDHA-associated lactic acid production blunts tumor immunosurveillance by T and NK cells.
    Cell Metabolism 2016;24:657-71.
    JIF = 18,164 (2016) / 31,373 (2021)

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